How Important Are Reviews?

article-new-ds-photo-getty-article-129-37-92826390_XS-ehowAuthors write for many reasons, but one big reason (presumably) is because we want others to read our novels, stories, poems, or essays.


gatekeepersThe publishing world has changed significantly since the days when I was first writing. Back then (and at the risk of aging myself, we’re talking about the first half of the 1990’s, LOL) there was one path to having your work available to readers: traditional publishers. They were the gatekeepers, the “golden ticket” to a tangible, beautiful book on a shelf, distribution, and ultimately, readers.

The publisher handled things like galleys, and securing reviews from reputable reviewers who would then print those reviews in publications or later, online, to entice (provided the review was good), readers to give the story a try. Continue Reading…